Who Do You Trust? Brand Advocates, Subscription Boxes & Social Media

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

How many websites do you check out before purchasing a product? Are you reviewing the websites for price comparisons or are you looking to genuinely find the product that best suits your needs? Today’s consumers have seemingly unlimited choices when it comes to researching and purchasing products. It’s not like the old days where you could only buy what you could get at the store. You were limited to only specific brands and didn’t know what other consumers thought of the product. You now have access to millions of product reviews and promotional information to help you make an educated decision on which product is best for your needs.

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But who do you trust online? Do you trust the information that is on a brand’s website and social media pages? Do you trust bloggers that are given an incentive by the company? Do you trust your friend who purchased the product last week? Chances are, you’re going to trust your friend. If they don’t have any skin in the game, their review seems more honest, right? Today it seems like the further a person is removed from the corporate brand entity, the more you as a consumer trust their opinion. You want to trust a person who is considered to advocate for the brand without any benefit to themselves or being compensated by the brand. Personally, I trust brand advocates. I feel that many of you feel the same.

I love subscription boxes (you know, those themed boxes that you sign up for to receive in the mail evert month). But there are so many of them to choose from and some of them are pretty expensive. I don’t personally know which ones are the best for me and I don’t want to waste money on ones that I might not like. So what do I do? Turn to brand advocates. For subscription boxes, the brand advocate that I trust the most is the Ramblings of a Suburban Mom blogger, Jennifer V. While she has a disclosure on her site stating “This blog does accept complimentary product in exchange for honest blog reviews. No monetary compensation is received for blog reviews, however, posts may contain affiliate links and / or referral links”, I really trust her opinion.

From my personal experience following her on the blog and social media, she is very honest and her reviews are accurate. They often reflect my feelings when I receive a new subscription box. I not only follow her blog, but I follow her posts on Instagram and Facebook as well. She often talks about her family and posts pictures of them. That helps me see her as more of a person to trust then a corporation pushing marketing jargon on me (I am a marketer, so I know why they are doing that, but still, that information is very biased).

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So what does she gain by posting subscription box reviews other than free subscription boxes? Blog traffic! On her blog, you’ll notice that she sells a heath/diet system called Advocare. Perhaps she talks advantage of her blog and social media traffic to help sell this product? As a follower, I’m ok with seeing an Advocare tab on her blog. I really trust what she has to say. More subscription box companies should send her free boxes to review. It’s the best review site of it’s kind on the web in my opinion.

A Question for my Fellow Marketers: How well do you trust marketing material or a corporate website/social media account? Do you feel that your opinion is skewed because you work in marketing?

10 thoughts on “Who Do You Trust? Brand Advocates, Subscription Boxes & Social Media

    meganwashing10 said:
    January 23, 2015 at 2:55 am

    Hi Whitney,

    I’m going to be honest… I LOVE subscription boxes and currently hold two (Ipsy and FFF). When I was trying to figure out if I could trust the companies and the products, I tried to find reviews that seemed to be well detailed and honest. But at the same time, the reviewers were strangers so I was taking a leap of faith with my trust. I do not currently follow any brand advocates because I strongly dislike being marketed to on a nonstop basis by them. However, it sounds like Jennifer would be a great follow because she seems human and shares other things!
    To answer your question, I am always skeptical when considering why a company is targeting me with their marketing efforts. I would like to think that I do not trust them very easily because I know their goal is to convert me and get me to spend money. I may be a nightmare for them because I even look up shopping reviews and unpacking videos on YouTube to SEE the honest opinion of others where users are able to leave comments. I feel like that gives me a good sense of what the truth could possibly be since it isn’t a traditional review site/forum on each individual’s video.
    Thank you so much for sharing!


      Whitney Amerson responded:
      January 26, 2015 at 9:19 pm

      Hi Megan! Thanks for reading and responding to my post! I think you bring up a good point when you discussed watching the unpacking videos for the boxes. I’ve noticed that a lot of those videos are taken by regular consumers…many of which are not getting free boxes. These people are either very excited about the products or are dissapointed. If you know of any good video bloggers to follow, let me know! I’d love to follow them as well!


    Aldona (@DigiAldona) said:
    January 23, 2015 at 9:20 pm

    Hi Whitney – I think that as digital natives, we really enjoy all the options we get by being online a lot. I also like the subscription boxes because I think that they are efficient and bring an element of variety and surprise, which is great. I worked for big ad agencies on Madison Ave. and for smaller ones in NYC. Honest corporations are really hard to spot. At the end of the day they are in business to make money. With the rise of social media and an increased transparency, big companies had to adjust their game. Now, they need to be green, friendly, donate a portion of the sale, have great social media customer service and more. So, in essence, they have to care more. I trust certain brands, but as an educated customer I make my own decisions. The internet helps me gather facts, data, information that I then use to make an informed decision. I may reference some YouTube reviews or ask my friends, but branded reviews don’t really interest me.


      Whitney Amerson responded:
      January 26, 2015 at 9:25 pm

      Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting, Aldona! I know it’s hard to believe reviewers that are given an incentive from a company. However, in the case of Jessica’s blog, she is given so many different types of blogs to review. Because I have been following her for a while, I know that there are some boxes that she really loves and others that she doesn’t really care about. To me, that makes her reviews more genuine. If she thought every subscription box was the best box ever, I would doubt her credibility. I’ve seen where she has straight out said that a box was not so great or not worth the subscription fee. I appreciate her honesty!


    PatAce said:
    January 24, 2015 at 3:52 pm

    Hi Whitney!
    I love and completely trust a variety of cooking bloggers. I follow quite a few them, where I get recipes, and many of them use their posts to showcase products that they get and like. And what I like about it the most, is that it doesn’t feel like your standard ad that you get from a commercial or mail pamphlet. They integrate the product they want to showcase into their post seamlessly, so that it catches your attention but it doesn’t feel like it’s in your face advertising. It’s also great for companies, because even if you might not need to buy the product at that time, if you were in need in the future, you will remember where you saw it and go back to that blog for the product brand and name.


      Whitney Amerson responded:
      January 26, 2015 at 9:38 pm

      Yes! I feel that that is exactly why people trust bloggers. Eventhough I am a markter, I like reading blogs and see what the bloggers are saying. Are multiple bloggers stating the same thing? Are there any trends? They are still promoting a product in many cases, but you’re completely correct when stating that the articles catch your attention without pushing the product in yout face. We all have our favorite blogs, and we trust what they tell us! Thanks for stoping by and leaving a comment!


    Kaitlin Gertner said:
    January 24, 2015 at 4:42 pm

    Hi Whitney –
    Great post! At no point did I connect subscription boxes to our materials on trust, but it’s so incredibly fitting. Just as we trust our friends, often because of our relationship with them on- and offline, we begin to trust these products that we haven’t only heard raving reviews about but we’ve actually tried them and experienced them offline as well. There are so many prominent points I believe you made within your post: trusting individuals further removed from the brand, trusting Mother’s – or essentially real people and finally your question about how our profession affects our ability to trust.
    Coincidentally, the person I also said I trusted was not only a Mother but a friend….two of your points proven. I think it’s great you picked a blogger that you have never met in person (as far as I know).
    I do believe my opinion is skewed because of my profession; however, I don’t always know that it’s a bad thing. Ironically, I think it makes me more in-tune to doing the right thing (i.e. no spammy practices), which essentially “works” on the non-marketing professionals as well (they just don’t know it’s occurring). What’s interesting is that when the genuine marketing practices are used they often work on everyone (marketing professional and average Joe’s), I suppose that’s another reason they’re just that good. Planned out brochures aren’t going to sell me (they may inform me though, but who reads all of them) and I’m incredibly skeptical of online reviews these days, especially when there are too many and the wording just seems off. If I really want a recommendation – I ask for the advice of real people, that I trust…friends. When brands are genuine and true and act ethically, I often find that it resonates a positive feeling toward the brand, and that’s often the start of a trusting relationship.


      Whitney Amerson responded:
      January 26, 2015 at 10:11 pm

      Hi Kaitlin! No, I have never met this blogger in person, but trust her like I would a friend when it comes to her reviews. Perhaps because she is a mother and often shows loving pictures of her kids, I trust her more than I would if she wasn’t. And your right- genuine marketing practices work on real people, even if we are marketers and know that a company is trying to get us to purchase their product. This feels like a genuine reccomendation, and from my experinece with the blog, it really is! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!


    sami8589 said:
    January 24, 2015 at 4:57 pm

    Hey whitney,

    I like that you brought up two points within your post. First, I too love the subscription boxes :). I think the “Ramblings of a Suburban Mom” is a great person to trust! Her name alone many people can relate to, making her appeal to those that are just like her. As you said, she posts a lot about her family and real life, so she is able to seem more authentic when she incorporates her everyday life into her posts. You can see that other moms would look to her for advice, and guidance for product advice, inspiration (her Sunday Smiles), and coupons and reviews on the various boxes she tries. I think it was SO smart of her to put the disclaimer on her blog, because as you mentioned many bloggers get a kickback for promoting different brands on their site. Her language is simple and relateable. She talks about her family, gas prices, and tv shows shes excited to watch! She makes it like shes your friend, therefore when reviewing products you’ll feel inclined to take her opinon into consideration…..Also, I cant believe how many different types of boxes there are out there!

    Great post and thanks for pointing her out- I’m curious to read more about her.


      Whitney Amerson responded:
      January 26, 2015 at 10:16 pm

      I know! This is by far the most genuine subscription box blogger out there in my opinion…and I spend a lot of time reading subscription box blogs! I’m glad that you pointed out the promotions category of the blog. While I beleieve that she probably does recieve a kick-back for people subscribing who used her codes, you as the consumer still get a really good deal on a box that you wanted anyways- often a free box just for subscribing. Her posts are very consistent and you know when new box reviews are coming out for the boxes that you subscribe to. I’m addicted to this blog! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Happy subscription box shopping! 🙂


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