Digital Marketing

Social Media and Reputation Management: Hitting Customer Reviews Head-on

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Every social media manager’s worse nightmare revolves around reputation management. We spend so much time thinking about ways to create messages that our customers want to hear. We spend countless hours hoping to receive fantastic reviews and getting feedback from satisfied customers. We live for the moment when some random customer posts a positive post on one of our social media sites. We can’t wait to pass those posts along to management!

But what happens when the post is bad? Really, really bad? Thankfully in my professional experience, this hasn’t happened too frequently. But when it does, you have to be prepared. This means working with business stakeholders, PR, communications, and legal. While every negative post is different, we still have to have a cohesive plan in place so that we are able to do what needs to be done in a timely manner. In this week’s post, I will be reviewing both positive and a negative social media posts from the hospitality industry. It’s important to note that these posts are dated and used as examples for educational purposes only.

Post #1: Hyatt’s Positive Review…With a Twist!


Suggested Response:

Thank you for taking time to review your family’s most recent trip to Orlando’s Hyatt Regency! Reviewers like you give us the opportunity to ensure that our hotel is exceeding our guest’s expectations. We are very pleased to hear that you had such a wonderful stay. It is truly a complement that you chose to come back and stay with us for your family vacation. We are happy to hear that your children enjoyed one of our property’s newest additions, the pool. Although Florida weather can be unpredictable at times, we are glad that your family was still able to enjoy this new amenity despite the brief storm. It’s also great to hear that you were able to take advantage of our luxurious spa and restaurants. Next time you’re here, be sure to check out another great restaurant, Napa, where kids under 3 eat breakfast for free. 

Again, that you for choosing our hotel and providing valuable feedback that will allow our team to make adjustments to our property so that all of your future stays continue to exceed your expectations. If you’re still looking to schedule that last-minute summer trip, we have several summer specials that you may want to take advantage of! If you have any questions or would like to discuss our property further, please feel free to contact me directly at any time. It has been a pleasure reading your review and having your family as guests!


Whitney Amerson

Social Media Manager, Hyatt Regency Orland0



Post #2: Hilton’s Negative Review


Suggested Response:

Thank you for taking the time to review our hotel and share your experience with us. I sincerely apologize for your most recent experience with our hotel, as the experience you have described does not meet our standards. I will make sure that your feedback is discussed with our management team promptly.  The appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that this does not happen again to you or another guest.  Because I know that our hotel has many great things to offer, I would love for you to give our hotel a second chance to exceed your expectations. At your convince, please call me so that we can work together on planning your next stay at our property. I have a few things in mind that I think you would want to take advantage of. I am looking forward to discussing how we can exceed your expectations and be the foundation for a great, memorable vacation!


Whitney Amerson

Social Media Manager, Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina



While I am no stranger to generating responses for social media posts, I found this assignment to be quite difficult. Although I do work in a very different industry with very different problems, that wasn’t where the “hang-up” occurred. I am so accustomed to having stakeholders, PR, communications, and our legal team to discuss our approach for these types of posts with. It was very difficult to generate posts on my own. Hats off to any social media manager who doesn’t have anyone to lean-on when it comes to reputation management. It’s a tough job to do alone!



“Open Happiness”: Hi, I’m Whitney

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During this week’s MMC 5600 assignment for the University of Florida’s M.A program, I have been tasked with creating an e-blast to promote myself  as a communications professional. While I have a good bit of experience creating e-blasts, I’ve found it very difficult to create an e-blast that focuses on me. The audience for the e-blast is future potential employers. For the purpose of this e-blast, I have chosen Coca-Cola as a future potential employer. Here we go. Let me know what you think. If I was your potential employee and you saw this e-blast, would you call me in for an interview?

“Open Happiness”: Whitney Amerson, Digital & Social Media Marketer and Communications Professional

coke bottles wedding

If you’re reading this, hopefully you are looking for a  fun, caring, dedicated individual to fulfill a digital marketing or communications role at Coca-Cola. I have been a fan of the Coca Cola brand since I was a child. In fact, one of my fondest childhood memories is going on class field trips to the World of Coke in Atlanta, GA. When in college at Georgia State, I volunteered at the Georgia Aquarium and had the opportunity to visit the new World of Coke once it was completed. I was in awe of the brand just as I was when I was a child. Since high school, I have dreamed about being a part of the Coca Cola marketing communications team. I want to be part of a company that really makes a difference in people’s lives and has created a brand that people believe in.  I know I can make a difference if chosen to become  part of the Coca Cola team.

“Around the Corner from Everywhere”

I grew up in a small, Georgia town (Villa Rica) that was also the birthplace of Coca Cola legend, Asa Griggs Candler. After high school, I attended and graduated from Georgia State University. Upon graduation, I became Digital Marketing Coordinator for another Georgia-based giant, Southwire Company. Concentrating on social media strategy, content strategy, and reputation management, I was part of a  team that received several industry marketing awards, including best overall integrated marketing campaign. Below, you will find a picture of Southwire’s marketing team on the Coca-Cola chairs at an Atlanta Braves game.

Coke Marketing Team

“You Can’t Beat the Feeling”

Both in my personal life and professional career, I continuously strive to set new goals that encourage me to push harder and reach higher then I previously could. For example, I am currently working on completing a Master’s Degree in Mass Communications (with an emphasis in social media) from the University of Florida. I always strive to be ahead of the game, as this program is the first of its kind in the country.

“Life Tastes Good”

Painting, scrapbooking, pottery, gardening. I love to be creative and find new ways overcome challenges. Whether a mug handle just won’t stay on the mug in the kiln or a crazy insect infestation is occurring in my garden, I’ll find a way to solve the problem, though most times, not in any conventional way. I love solving problems and overcoming challenges. Social media is constantly evolving, which requires creative solutions and problem solving techniques. This is perhaps why I am so passionate about social media and communications.

To learn more about my passions and hobbies, click here.

“Make It Real”

As a digital native, I am very passionate about my work. I love the opportunity that social media gives marketers and communications professional; we are able to have direct, one on one relationships with consumers and more thoroughly integrate our brand into their everyday life.  I want the brand that I represent to be so ingrained in consumers’ minds that they would never consider switching over to a competitor’s product. Coca-Cola has this effect on me. If a restaurant doesn’t sell coke, I’ll have a water.

“Sign of Good Taste”

As a way to market myself, I have created The Social Potter. As a marketing communications professional, my job is very similar to a potter. Often time, you start with a lump of clay. This lump of clay can be anything from issues dealing with reaching your target market, to the need to create a social media promotion to increase brand awareness and user engagement. It’s my job as a potter to use my skills and resources to transform that lump of clay into a beautiful piece of art.

“Open Happiness”

As you can see, I am a hardworking and creative team player who is passionate about working with one of the most powerful brands in the world, Coca-Cola. I look forward to getting to know you as well and further discussing how I can be an asset to your Marketing Communications team.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me.



Integrated Marketing Campaigns, Multimedia Communications & Tory Burch

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What is needed to create a successful integrated marketing campaign? How do you best reach out to your audience using multimedia communication techniques? Ask Tory Burch—this company seems to have all the answers.

Digital Tory
According to the Tory Burch Facebook page, “Tory Burch is an American lifestyle brand that embodies the personal style and sensibility of its CEO and designer Tory Burch”. Founded in 2004, this brand is known for its colorful prints, cutting edge designs, and luxury materials. Tory Burch’s target market consists of “social media savvy women ages 20-40” (A Social Business Plan for the Tory Burch Foundation, 2012). Keeping the target audience in mind, Tory Burch’s marketing strategy consists of various multimedia communication channels including Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, and Tumblr), The Tory Blog, The Tory Burch App (in which 80% of users return to on a regular basis), and weekly e-blasts (Miller, 2013). Traditional communications mediums, such as commercials and print advertising, are rarely used by the brand. In an interview with Miki Berardelli, CMO of Tory Burch, he mentioned that the Tory Burch brand has, in the past, not had a very large marketing budget. They have needed to think strategically and create an integrated marketing plan that allowed them to achieve their goals while spending far less money than their competitors (Indvik, 2011).

Tory 4 Pics

Another way that Tory Burch is utilizing multimedia communications to reach customers is through cross promoting their brand with Fit Bit: “The fusion of fashion into technology will be an important part of the widespread adoption of wearable technologies, like Fitbit products” (Fitbit Partners with Tory Burch to Develop Fitbit Flex Accessories Collection, 2014). Tory Burch is creating a line of accessories centered on the Fitbit activity tracker. I think this a very strategic move for Tory Burch. Social media savvy women ages 20-40 that are interested in Tory Burch fashion may also be very interested in physical fitness. Also, if this group of women is able to spend $250 on a pair of shoes, they are most likely able to afford the Fitbit, which retails at around $100. Tory Burch is expanding their reach into the market and will be able to utilize Fitbit’s multimedia communications channels in addition to their own.

Tory Fitbit

As Tory Burch continues to create integrated marketing strategies that incorporate various multimedia communication channels, I believe that the target audience will become further engaged with the brand. As a member of their specified target audience, I feel that their marketing strategy is very successful. I want to buy a new pair of shoes every time I see their e-blast or social media post!

Tory Blog


A Social Business Plan for the Tory Burch Foundation. (2012, May 03). Retrieved May 28, 2014, from Slideshare:

Fitbit Partners with Tory Burch to Develop Fitbit Flex Accessories Collection. (2014, Janruary 07). Retrieved May 27, 2014, from Business Wire:

Indvik, L. (2011, November 26). How Digital Marketing Fueled Fashion Label Tory Burch’s Global Expansion. Retrieved May 28, 2014, from Mashable:

Miller, G. (2013, October 18). Tory Burch’s Not-So-Secret Secret Weapon: The Customer Experience (and Technology). Retrieved May 28, 2014, from Upstream Commerce:

Watch Out Pinterest, I’ve Found a New Favorite Site!

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As an example of crowdsourcing, this week we were introduced to a website called Kickstarter. This site is dedicated to matching product inventors with product backers. Based on statistics given on the site, 5.7 million people have backed a Kickstarter project. The projects range from documentaries, to articles of clothing, to hand made stationary. Because I love crafts and new ideas, I found this site to be amazing!

Blog 1

One of the coolest features that I noticed about the site was the ability to see projects that are searching for funding locally. When I searched for Carrollton, GA, one of the projects searching for funding was a band that I have watched a few times. Homegrown band is a local country/Christian band that plays really awesome music. They were looking to receive $5,000 worth of funding in order to record a new album. If I would have known about this project before the goal had been reached, I would have pledged the $15 necessary to receive a signed hard copy of the album once it was recorded. I think it is awesome that Homegrown received the necessary funds in less than one month using Kickstarter.

Blog 1

A few other projects that peaked my interest were Sole Socks, Zombabiez, and the Bottle Cutter. I actually purchased the Bottle Cutter for myself. Although the Bottle Cutter is made in London, they will ship it to me for free. I have been really looking for something like this in order to turn liquor bottles into glasses and candles. I was so excited to find that a product like this is actually being made! Cutting bottles is very hard to do, so hopefully this will make it easier! Apparently, more people than just me were looking for a product similar to this. The project owner’s goal was to raise 6,000 Euros. With eleven days left, they have already exceeded their goal by 62,000 Euros! I can’t wait to receive this product.

Blog 1

I think Kickstarter is a phenomenal site for entrepreneurs, inventors, and artists to share their creativity in order to gain funding for their project. I think it’s also a good way for these individuals to get a feel for their market. If the project doesn’t receive much backing, a lot of people are not interested. All of the really good ideas that I came across had already exceeded their goal. I can’t wait to find more new products on here. Maybe one day, I’ll have a great idea that I can help raise funds for on Kickstarter!

Check Out These Pretty Cool Projects:
Sole Socks
Bottle Cutter

Welcome to the Digital Age

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How long has it been since you ordered a new print magazine subscription? Just a few years ago, I was always excited to receive my new National Geographic or Cosmopolitan magazine in the mail (weird combination, right?). Now, the only time I ever look at magazines is if I am waiting in line at the grocery store. Within the past few years, print advertisements seem to be fading away along with print publications. The only reason I still subscribe to the Sunday paper is because of the coupons. I can actually get the same coupons online, but it costs more to keep ink in my printer than it does to just buy the paper.

What about advertisers who depended on magazine and newspaper ads to sell their product? Most of them have restructured their marketing plan, allowing for more digital advertising. Within the past few years, digital ads seem to be taking the place of print ads. I work in a digital marketing department within a multibillion dollar corporation. I’ve seen this first hand as our advertising budget is shifting more towards the digital side. Even though there are more digital ads now, are those ads as effective as print ads? More effective? Does the consumer pay as much attention to digital advertisements? Maybe they pay more attention.

Using Survey Monkey, I created a brief survey in attempts to better understand the impact of digital advertising in today’s society.  For my survey, I chose to explore the effectiveness of digital ads in relation to more traditional print advertising. After analyzing the survey results, I hope to better understand the following:

  • How demographics (age, income, education) play a role, if any
  • The credibility of digital ads, as perceived by the consumer
  • How digital ads affect consumer buying habits, if any
  • Digital browsing habits of consumers
  • Digital advertising’s role in determining ROI

By being able to better understand where the target consumer spends their time online and they type of digital ads they trust, marketers will be able to more effectively allocate digital marketing funds in order to achieve conversions. From personal experience, I feel like I am more exposed to digital ads than print advertisements. I actually learned about UF’s Social Media Masters program from a LinkedIn ad. After seeing the first ad on LinkedIn, it also showed up on my Facebook page, leading me to click on the link and request more information. Would I have looked at the same ad in a magazine twice and took action on it? Maybe not.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please take my survey:

I’m looking forward to analyzing the results. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Tea Time! Teavana’s Tailored SEO Tactics

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So I have a bad addiction to tea. Not just any tea—Teavana’s loose leaf tea. Every afternoon, I drink a whole teapot full of liquid happiness. Could be worse, right? Apparently I’m not alone.

The first time I was dragged into a Teavana store by my boss (yes, we go shopping together), I thought she was crazy for spending so much money on tea. It’s the same tea that you buy in grocery stores right, you know, a box of 30 tea bags for $4.99? Wrong! And so the addiction began…

Teavana has a loyal customer base. Once you try the tea, you are sucked in for life. The problem is, getting people into the store to try the tea. Keeping this in mind, Teavana has developed a very intricate SEO strategy in hope of being noticed my consumers who are just browsing for tea related products. In a society where coffee is the dominant hot beverage, it is important for Teavana to create both brand and category awareness in order to increase the customer base, thus increasing product sales.

Based on my knowledge of Teavana, I chose to Google the following key words. Beside the keyword, I have noted the position in which Teavana’s website first appeared.

  1. Hot Tea (#4)
  2. Herbal Tea (#1- Sponsored Post)
  3. Teapot (#7)
  4. Oolong Tea (#1- Sponsored Post)
  5. Tea Sale (#1)
  6. Tea Store (#1- Sponsored Post)
  7. Tea Blend (#2)
  8. Tea (#2)
  9. Tea Strainer (#4)
  10. Loose Leaf Tea (#1, #2, #3, and Sponsored on Side Panel)

teavana SEO

In the coding on Teavana’s website, the following keywords were mentioned:  Teavana, buy tea online, oolong tea, black tea, white tea, herbal tea, rooibos tea, mate tea, tea products, tea accessories, tea bags, and loose leaf tea. The following sentence also appeared in the coding: “Buy fresh, high quality loose leaf teas online from Teavana. From Rooibos to Oolong and everything in between, Teavana has great tea gifts and products for enjoying afternoon tea.” The words in bold are words that I chose for my Google search.

Although I wasn’t surprised that Teavana would show up with these keywords, I was surprised at the amount of sponsored posts and the high organic SEO positions. It was also interesting that their main competitors, Tea Forte, Mighty Tea, and Bigelow Tea, were always mentioned after Teavana in all ten searches. Are they not utilizing SEO as well as Teavana? Has Teavana’s SEO always been so important to them? Has their acquisition by Starbucks had any effect on their SEO and PPC marketing strategies? I feel like I have more questions now than when I started. Perhaps, that’s one of the main points of research.