
Watch Out Pinterest, I’ve Found a New Favorite Site!

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As an example of crowdsourcing, this week we were introduced to a website called Kickstarter. This site is dedicated to matching product inventors with product backers. Based on statistics given on the site, 5.7 million people have backed a Kickstarter project. The projects range from documentaries, to articles of clothing, to hand made stationary. Because I love crafts and new ideas, I found this site to be amazing!

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One of the coolest features that I noticed about the site was the ability to see projects that are searching for funding locally. When I searched for Carrollton, GA, one of the projects searching for funding was a band that I have watched a few times. Homegrown band is a local country/Christian band that plays really awesome music. They were looking to receive $5,000 worth of funding in order to record a new album. If I would have known about this project before the goal had been reached, I would have pledged the $15 necessary to receive a signed hard copy of the album once it was recorded. I think it is awesome that Homegrown received the necessary funds in less than one month using Kickstarter.

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A few other projects that peaked my interest were Sole Socks, Zombabiez, and the Bottle Cutter. I actually purchased the Bottle Cutter for myself. Although the Bottle Cutter is made in London, they will ship it to me for free. I have been really looking for something like this in order to turn liquor bottles into glasses and candles. I was so excited to find that a product like this is actually being made! Cutting bottles is very hard to do, so hopefully this will make it easier! Apparently, more people than just me were looking for a product similar to this. The project owner’s goal was to raise 6,000 Euros. With eleven days left, they have already exceeded their goal by 62,000 Euros! I can’t wait to receive this product.

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I think Kickstarter is a phenomenal site for entrepreneurs, inventors, and artists to share their creativity in order to gain funding for their project. I think it’s also a good way for these individuals to get a feel for their market. If the project doesn’t receive much backing, a lot of people are not interested. All of the really good ideas that I came across had already exceeded their goal. I can’t wait to find more new products on here. Maybe one day, I’ll have a great idea that I can help raise funds for on Kickstarter!

Check Out These Pretty Cool Projects:
Sole Socks
Bottle Cutter