MMC 5006

IMC Plan: UF’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

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The University of Florida’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, part of the Warrington College of Business Administration, is designed to help students at both the undergrad and graduate levels study and develop aspects of entrepreneurship. Even for students who are not seeking a degree, there are various opportunities offered by the center to help develop entrepreneurial skills such as workshops, forums, competitions, clinics, and mentorships. Some program offerings from the college include:

  • Veterans Entrepreneurship Program (VEP): Program for disabled veterans who are seeking entrepreneurial opportunities; three stage program designed to expose students to all facets of entrepreneurship; free of cost to disabled veterans
  • The Thomas S. Johnson Master of Science in Entrepreneurship Program: One-year Masters degree program where students gain the knowledge needed in order to launch their own businesses; ranked as the #1 Graduate Entrepreneurship Program by United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • CEI Ambassadors: University of Florida community involvement program that promotes entrepreneurship and aims to bring students with similar entrepreneurial mindsets together through campus activities; also acts as a campus outreach group to promote CEI and related programs within the university

This Integrated Marketing Plan will be focusing specifically on the Veterans Entrepreneurship Program. Using a variety of marketing communications mediums, the plan is to increase program awareness and increase the number of applicants for the program by 10% over the next 6 months.

Target Audience Characteristics and Demographics:

  • Service disabled veterans
  • Veterans who are seeking to grow their business
  • Veterans who are looking to start new ventures
  • Veterans interested in entrepreneurship
  • Veterans seeking financial independence

Strenghts of the Veterans Entrepreneurship Program:

  • Offers free tuition for disabled veterans
  • Part of a nationally recognized, award-winning program
  • Ability to complete the program in one year

Opportunities for the Veterans Entrepreneurship Program:

  • Large potential target audience, estimated at over 2.9 million in the United States (Associated Press)
  • Ability to leverage social media  (low-cost and far-reaching)
  • Utilize digital marketing mediums, such as QR codes, blogs, and YouTube to connect with audience

The University of Florida’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation should take an integrated marketing approach to promoting the Veteran Entrepreneurship Program. Doing so will provide a more holistic approach and allow the target audience to feel more engaged with the program when seeing messaging from various marketing communication methods. According to the Small Business Chronicle, you are able to save money and have a larger impact on your audience when you use an integrated marketing strategy as opposed to using more traditional methods separately; “Integrated campaigns use the same communication tools to reinforce each other and improve marketing effectiveness” (Linton, 2014).


In order to analyze how well each portion of the integrated marketing strategy is performing, the VEP will need to invest in analytics software. Google Analytics is free to use and can give insightful information into how well the VEP webpages are performing. Through Google Analytics, you will also be able to track entry and exit pages (how people got to the website and where they went after the left the website) in order to determine if the users are interacting with other VEP sites or marketing mediums, such as QR codes, blogs, or social media. Facebook, YouTube, and QR Code software provides built-in analytics that help track the activity and engagement of that specific channel. Because the social media manager will only be monitoring one Twitter page and one Facebook account, I wouldn’t recommend spending the extra money to invest in a social media management tool such as Hootsuite at this time. Although it is a fantastic program, the VEP program will be paying more for the product then it could expect to receive in return.

In order for the VEP to get the most marketing exposure, several marketing communications mediums need to be utilized together to create the optimal integrated marketing strategy. With the editions of the VEP blog, YouTube playlist, Facebook, and Twitter pages, VEP’s marketing communications mix will be more effective at communicating and interacting with the target audience. By utilizing these marketing mediums in conjunction with the VEP website, QR codes, print collateral, and tradeshow marketing, potential students will be able to gain a more holistic view of the program and better understand how VEP is connected with the University of Florida’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.




Associated Press- Washington. (2008, 11 May). VA: Number of Disabled Veterans Rising. Retrieved from Fox News:

Linton, I. (2014, August 01). The Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications. Retrieved from Small Business Chronicle:


Health Company Analytics: A Case of the Mondays?

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Spa Florida

One of the biggest challenges that faces marketers today is how to justify marketing expenditures and calculate ROI. Although there is no tried and true solution to determine ROI, especially for digital marketing efforts, software exists to help you track an analyze how your audience is engaging with your brand. In this week’s post, I will be analyzing Facebook Insights and Bronto e-mail campaign data for ABC Company, a health-oriented business located in Central Florida. I aim to provide analytics and insight into how the audience is interacting with the brand and how other segments of the company’s integrated marketing communications strategy plays a part in these results.



Insights, Key Findings and Reccomendations:

According to the analytics provided, the target demographic is defined as females, ages 25-44, living in Central Florida. Based on the fact that ABC Company is health-oriented and located in Central Florida, the Facebook posts seem to be reaching the correct audience for this type of business. Based on the organic and paid reach numbers, it appears that post boosts were not used during the duration of which analytics were provided. There also appears to be a correlation between the number of postings and the overall page reach. For example, on May 21st, three posts were created and then on May 22nd, four posts were created. After this series of posts, you see a sustained higher than average reach for the page. This could have been a contest for ABC Company or they could have been running a special promotion. The page reach also increased by 39% in the specified time period; much of the increased reach can be dedicated to the occurrences that began on May 21st.Facebook Analytics

I also found it interesting and important to note that every Monday, the page traffic is at it’s lowest point. Perhaps the business is closed on Mondays? People may be so busy on Mondays that they don’t have as much time to spend on Facebook? In order to determine the causation for the phenomenon, I would need to look at ABC Company’s promotions and marketing schedule and the hours of operation. Through a little investigating, we would be able to determine the cause for such low traffic on Mondays. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, especially seeing as how traffic steadily picks up for the remainder of the week.


Facebook InsightsThere is also a bi-weekly e-blast that gets sent out to the company’s distribution list. Assuming that the Facebook link is in the e-blast and the content is interesting enough to prompt the audience to learn more, these e-blasts are being used to drive traffic to the business’ Facebook page. However, based on the limited amount of analytics that I have access to for this project, I am unable to determine exactly which days the e-blasts are being sent out on. Based on my experience with e-mail marketing campaigns, it is beneficial to send the e-blasts out consistently and regularly, such as every Tuesday and Friday.

Several key findings can be interpreted based on the e-blast analytics provided by Bronto. Although I am not as familiar with Bronto as I am with Mail Chimp, the analytics are still easy to understand. In order to more holistically interpret the data, however, I would need more company information such as the content of the e-blasts and the marketing and promotions schedule. I would also need to hear feedback from the receptionists that may take calls from customers who are responding to the e-blasts.

Bronto Analytics
One key finding was that 25% of the sent e-blasts were actually opened, with the click-through rate being 10.9%. According to Mail Chimp, a leading email campaign platform, the average open rate for the health industry is 24.27% and the average click-through rate is 3.64%. Based on these benchmarks, while the e-blasts are getting opened at an average rate for the industry, the click-through rate is way above average. This suggests that the content embedded in the e-blast is compelling and causes the viewer to want to learn more. This is an example of an engaging e-blast that provides information that the target market wants to see.


One way that I believe ABC Company can increase both their social media engagement and their e-blast open rates is through a photo promotion, like the example posted above. The promotion, centered around all things health and wellness can be housed on their Facebook page using a third party platform, Woobox. Users will be encouraged to show how they are living well and participating with ABC Company’s health products. Users can use #ABCLivingWell on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram in order to enter the contest. Photos will then be voted on by other Facebook users. The person who submitted the photo that gained the most votes will receive a store gift card. This campaign can be advertised through social media, the e-blasts, and within the business. Photo content would be generated for ABC Company to use for future advertising material. And while we’re talking about analytics, did I mention that Woobox has a great analytics platform built right in? You can track your campaign through Facebook Insights, Bronto, and Woobox in order to gain a more holistic perspective on how well you are engaging with your target audience.

Social Media and Reputation Management: Hitting Customer Reviews Head-on

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Every social media manager’s worse nightmare revolves around reputation management. We spend so much time thinking about ways to create messages that our customers want to hear. We spend countless hours hoping to receive fantastic reviews and getting feedback from satisfied customers. We live for the moment when some random customer posts a positive post on one of our social media sites. We can’t wait to pass those posts along to management!

But what happens when the post is bad? Really, really bad? Thankfully in my professional experience, this hasn’t happened too frequently. But when it does, you have to be prepared. This means working with business stakeholders, PR, communications, and legal. While every negative post is different, we still have to have a cohesive plan in place so that we are able to do what needs to be done in a timely manner. In this week’s post, I will be reviewing both positive and a negative social media posts from the hospitality industry. It’s important to note that these posts are dated and used as examples for educational purposes only.

Post #1: Hyatt’s Positive Review…With a Twist!


Suggested Response:

Thank you for taking time to review your family’s most recent trip to Orlando’s Hyatt Regency! Reviewers like you give us the opportunity to ensure that our hotel is exceeding our guest’s expectations. We are very pleased to hear that you had such a wonderful stay. It is truly a complement that you chose to come back and stay with us for your family vacation. We are happy to hear that your children enjoyed one of our property’s newest additions, the pool. Although Florida weather can be unpredictable at times, we are glad that your family was still able to enjoy this new amenity despite the brief storm. It’s also great to hear that you were able to take advantage of our luxurious spa and restaurants. Next time you’re here, be sure to check out another great restaurant, Napa, where kids under 3 eat breakfast for free. 

Again, that you for choosing our hotel and providing valuable feedback that will allow our team to make adjustments to our property so that all of your future stays continue to exceed your expectations. If you’re still looking to schedule that last-minute summer trip, we have several summer specials that you may want to take advantage of! If you have any questions or would like to discuss our property further, please feel free to contact me directly at any time. It has been a pleasure reading your review and having your family as guests!


Whitney Amerson

Social Media Manager, Hyatt Regency Orland0



Post #2: Hilton’s Negative Review


Suggested Response:

Thank you for taking the time to review our hotel and share your experience with us. I sincerely apologize for your most recent experience with our hotel, as the experience you have described does not meet our standards. I will make sure that your feedback is discussed with our management team promptly.  The appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that this does not happen again to you or another guest.  Because I know that our hotel has many great things to offer, I would love for you to give our hotel a second chance to exceed your expectations. At your convince, please call me so that we can work together on planning your next stay at our property. I have a few things in mind that I think you would want to take advantage of. I am looking forward to discussing how we can exceed your expectations and be the foundation for a great, memorable vacation!


Whitney Amerson

Social Media Manager, Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina



While I am no stranger to generating responses for social media posts, I found this assignment to be quite difficult. Although I do work in a very different industry with very different problems, that wasn’t where the “hang-up” occurred. I am so accustomed to having stakeholders, PR, communications, and our legal team to discuss our approach for these types of posts with. It was very difficult to generate posts on my own. Hats off to any social media manager who doesn’t have anyone to lean-on when it comes to reputation management. It’s a tough job to do alone!



Tradeshow Marketing: CosmoProf 2014

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CP 1

CosmoProf North America is a B2B tradeshow that focuses on the beauty industry. Attendees range from hair and nail care professionals to wellness center and spa owners. For this week’s class assignment, I have been asked to follow CosmoProf on social media and analyze their social media strategy from an external perspective. The show, which took place July 13-17 was  interesting to follow and not at all what I expected. While I am no stranger to social media engagement tradeshow strategies, the beauty industry was not the type of tradeshow I’m used to. Even though this show was not centered on the wire and cable industry (what I’m accustomed to), the social media strategy shared many of the same techniques and elements. Below, you will find an outline of how CosmoProf utilized each social media channel before, during, and after the show. Some channels were used well. However, the social media plan for other channels may need to be reconsidered prior to next year’s show. While these are just my opinions, I have represented my company at dozens of tradeshows within the past several years and have learned a thing or two by means of trial and error.

Basic Show Numbers (Based on Information from CosmoProf’s Website):

  • 26,000+ Visitors, Representing 104 Countries
  • 911 Exhibitors, Representing 37 Countries
  • 278 Accredited Members of the Press in Attendance

Facebook: Does CosmoProf Exhibit the True Face of Beauty?

With over 5,000 fans, CosmoProf’s Facebook page represents 19% of the registered show attendees. One of the first things I noticed about their Facebook page is the use of hashtags. Although Facebook gives you the option to use hashtags, you don’t see them very often. Although it is great that the brand is embracing hashtags, many people don’t use hashtags to search on Facebook. Another thing that I noticed about the Facebook page is how images are used. Some of the images are not optimized for Facebook viewing. The coverpage image, for example, is partially covered up by homepage buttons. Perhaps this image was reused and not primarily created for Facebook. I hope the text in the bottom right corner isn’t very important.

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*Note: Image is Cut-off on Right Side*

Prior to the show, the page was used to promote the upcoming show and encourage  attendees to become involved in social media. I really like how the page encourages their B2B audience to interact not only with their page but with other B2B companies in the industry. Teaser posts were also created to talk about the speakers that were attending the show.

During the show, CosmoProf was actively posting on Facebook. Interestingly enough, there were no social media posts for four days prior to the show or on the first day. Perhaps the person in charge of social media got overwhelmed and forgot about posting on Facebook? It happens. For the remainder of the show, posts were created that promoted products and gave daily recaps of the show. There were not very many posts. The posts that they did have didn’t seem to resonate with their audience, as the number of likes and shares were very low. There was no interaction on Facebook after the show ended. I would have liked to seen a “Thank You for Attending” post to close out the show.

Twitter: Beautiful Tweets Are in the Air

CosmoProf’s Twitter page has 2,942 followers. While this is half the amount of followers from their Facebook page, their Twitter followers seem to be more engaged. Quality over quantity, right? The Twitter page is monitored and managed year-round. Posts range from how to’s for the B2B beauty industry to industry wide topics such as Birchbox moving into retail. There is a wealth of information on this page that doesn’t necessarily pertain to the tradeshow. This created value for the target audience.

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*Notice the Lack of Images and a Cohesive Hashtag*

My first impression of show from following on Twitter was “Wow. There must be a lot of nail polish booths”, as the majority of images that were posted on twitter were focused on nail polish. Although there were a lot of posts about other products as well, there weren’t any pictures associated with those posts. During the show, there was a good mix of retweets and original posts. I was glad to see how many attendees interacted with the show on Twitter. From my experience, Twitter is the best social media outlet for use as part of a tradeshow strategy. One thing that the tweets lacked was a common show-specific hashtag. While it looks like some attendees tried to start a hashtag, it didn’t take off. The conversation seemed to be a bit all over the place because there was no hashtag holding everything together. For tradeshow marketing, hastags are like Spanx… without them, your stuff goes everywhere! I was glad to see that there was an official closing post for Twitter.

Instagram: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

With almost 2,900 followers, the CosmoProf Instagram should be a staple in the company’s integrated marketing strategy for the show. However, while there were several posts for the show, I feel like Instagram was underutilized. The most user engagement for the tradeshow occurred on Instagram. With the beauty industry being so image driven, more photos should have been taken and shared. On Facebook and Twitter, you had a handful of interactions. On Instagram, however, posts had an average of 50 likes each. This helps tell you what your audience wants to see.

During the show, product/exhibitor posts were made. Many of these images were also used on Twitter. One thing that I have to be critical about is the low quality of images that were used. Some of the images were really dark and hard to see while others seemed random and unrelated to the show. I feel like there should have been more though put into the photo content on the page. Like Facebook, there was no closing post thanking attendees for a great show.

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Other Social Media Pages and the Website:

Along with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, CosmoProf has Pinterest and LinkedIn pages. There may be some engagement on their LinkedIn group, however, it is set to private. Also, it’s difficult to determine when posts were created on Pinterest. I feel like these social media channels were left out of the IMC strategy.

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Aside from the social media icons on their website, CosmoProf doesn’t seem to integrate their website with social media. For the beauty industry, I feel like there should be more integration and consistency between sites. I also feel that their website design should be more reflective of the industry. It seems very plain and generic. With all the glitz and glamor of the industry, it deserves more!

The exhibitors obviously have awesome products and there is large attendee base. This tradeshow has the potential to embrace social media and use it to their advantage. They could create large social media walls (TV monitors) that display the recent Twitter feed and Instagram posts. This would encourage their audience to become more involved. Unfortunately, I didn’t see a lot of this. I hate to say it, but tradeshows for the wire and cable industry leverage social media way better than this.

What’s the Bottom Line?

If there was indeed a social media strategy for the show, it was very hard to determine what it was. Because social media is so big and can be leveraged to better reach and engage with your audience, you can’t afford to let it be an afterthought. It needs to be incorporated into the show strategy from the very beginning. Even your website needs to reflect your social media involvement and take on characteristics of your industry. What does your audience want to see? What will they see with your exhibitors? The energy level given off by the show and the show exhibitors need to match. I see so much potential for next year’s show. By making social media part of your overall strategy, you will see a big difference in your attendees and exhibitors. Great products and companies deserve a great show!

Social Media Magic for Disney’s Magic Kingdom

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Disney Magic Kingdom

Have you ever been to Disney World? If so, you will never forget the magic that surrounds the park. Every moment, from the time you see Cinderella’s castle to your first ride on Space Mountain, seems magical. For this week’s assignment, I am acting as a social media strategist for Disney’s Magic Kingdom. While that job would be a fantastic job to have, these posts are hypothetical and have been created solely for academic purposes.

My monthly social media goals for the Magic Kingdom include increasing user engagement with the Disney brand, increasing post reach, and giving social media followers a broad knowledge base of everything Magic Kingdom. With so many theme parks and attractions available to Orlando’s visitors, I want to help make Magic Kingdom stand out in out in our target audience’s minds. The Magic Kingdom needs to be positioned as the “must visit” theme park in Orlando.

August 1st

Facebook: Summer’s not over. You still have time to plan your summer vacation to Disney’s Magic Kingdom. We’re here to help! Get started here:

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Twitter: Summer’s not over. Plan your Disney vacation today! #Disney #Summer

August 2nd

Facebook: Trivia Time! Who can name one of the 6 Trains from Big Thunder Mountain Railroad? And go!

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Twitter: Trivia Time! Who can name one of the 6 Trains from Big Thunder Mountain Railroad? And go! #Disneytrivia #Disney

August 3rd

Facebook: Want to see Maleficent, the fire-breathing, clockwork dragon wrapped in battle with Prince Phillip and his mighty Sword of Truth? Come watch the Festival of Fantasy parade at 3:00 today!

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Twitter: Want to see Maleficent in battle with Prince Phillip and his mighty Sword of Truth? Our Festival of Fantasy parade begins at 3:00! #Disney

August 4th

Facebook: Planning a Magic Kingdom vacation with your little princess? Be sure to make reservations at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique located inside Cinderella’s Castle.

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Twitter: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique… The perfect salon for your little princess. Make reservations at #Disneyprincess

August 5th

Facebook: Put on your dancing shoes and prep your moves. Get ready for the Incredibles Super Dance Party!

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Twitter: Put on your dancing shoes and prep your moves. Get ready for the #INCREDIBLESSuperDanceParty!

August 6th

Facebook: Did you know there are thousands of hidden Mickey Mouse heads in the park? Show us some you found!

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Twitter: Did you know there are thousands of hidden Mickey Mouse heads in the park? Show us some you found! #mickeymouse #hiddenmickey

August 7th

Facebook: We have magic to light up the night! Have you seen our Celebrate the Magic show, honoring the art of Disney storytelling? It’s a site to see!

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Twitter: Light up the night with Disney’s Celebrate the Magic Show! Don’t you just love storytelling through fireworks? #CelebrateMagic

August 8th

Facebook: Come along and sing the song and join the jamboree. M-I-C-K-E-Y….

MK 9

Twitter: Come along and sing the song and join the jamboree. M-I-C-K-E-Y…. #disneyside

August 9th

Facebook: Are you a Disney pin collector? Good news! New pins have been released. Shop for new editions at Uptown Jewelers, located inside the park.

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Twitter: Are you a #DisneyPin collector? Shop the newest collections at Uptown Jewelers, located inside the park! #disney

August 10th

Facebook: Today’s a beautiful day to take a ride down Mainstreet, USA. Just ask Mr. Charles!

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Twitter: Today’s a beautiful day to take a ride down Mainstreet, USA. Just ask Mr. Charles! #mainstUSA #disney

August 11th

Facebook: Trivia Time! Does Prince Charming’s Golden Carousel rotate clockwise or counter clockwise?

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Twitter: Trivia Time! Does Prince Charming’s Golden Carousel rotate clockwise or counter clockwise? #disneytrivia

August 12th

Facebook: Giggle and guffaw to a gaggle of jokes during a live comedy show starring characters from Monsters, Inc. and Monsters University!

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Twitter: Ready to Laugh? Join us for a comedy show starring characters from Monsters, Inc. and Monsters University! #monstersinc

August 13th

Facebook: You’ll be singing this song for the rest of your vacation…

Twitter: You’ll be singing this song for the rest of your vacation… #smallworld #disney

August 14th

Facebook: Be Our Guest! Step inside the Beast’s enchanted castle for a delicious quick-service lunch or a delightful sit-down dinner. Yummy!

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Twitter: Be Our Guest! Step inside the Beast’s enchanted castle for a delicious quick-service lunch or a delightful sit-down dinner. #Yummy

August 15th

Facebook:  August is Family Fun Month. What better way to have fun with your family then at Magic Kingdom?

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Twitter: August is Family Fun Month. What better way to have fun with your family then at Magic Kingdom? #disney #familyfun

August 16th

Facebook: Start your engines! Get behind the wheel of a luxury sports car and take off at the Exotic Driving Experience. To schedule your experience, visit

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Twitter: Get behind the wheel of a luxury sports car and take off at the Exotic Driving Experience!

August 17th

Facebook: Did you know that The Seven Seas Lagoon is actually a man-made lake? The soil that was excavated to construct was used to “build up” the ground level for the construction of the Magic Kingdom.

mk 17

Twitter: Did you know that The Seven Seas Lagoon is actually a man-made lake? #disneytrivia #sevenseaslagoon

August 18th

Facebook: Arrrgghh! Do you have what it takes to be a pirate? Be sure to check out Captain Jack Sparrow’s pirate tutorial during your visit!

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Twitter: Arrrgghh! Do you have what it takes to be a pirate? #disneypirate

August 19th

Facebook: Today is National Aviation Day. Will you be flying on Aladdin’s Magic Carpets or Dumbo the Flying Elephant?

mk 19

Twitter: Today is National Aviation Day. Will you be flying on Aladdin’s Magic Carpets or Dumbo the Flying Elephant? #disneyside #aviationday

August 20th

Facebook: This or that: Fine dining at Cinderella’s Royal Table or casual dining at Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café?

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Twitter: Fine dining at Cinderella’s Royal Table or casual dining at Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café? #thisorthat #disneydining

August 21st

Facebook: How will you spend your day at the Magic Kingdom?

Twitter: How will you spend your day at the Magic Kingdom? #disney #MagicKingdom #vacation

August 22nd

Facebook: It’s National Tooth Fairy Day. The Fairy Godmother may know the tooth fairy. Come meet her at 3:00 near Cinderella’s Castle.

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Twitter: It’s National Tooth Fairy Day. The Fairy Godmother may know her. Come meet her at 3:00 near Cinderella’s Castle. #FairyGodmother #disney

August 23rd

Facebook: Make your evening extra sweet with a decadent dessert party and a dazzling view of the fireworks!

mk 22

Twitter: Make your evening extra sweet with a decadent dessert party and a dazzling view of the fireworks! #yummy #disney #fireworks

August 24th

Facebook: Whew! It’s a scorcher today. Cool off at the Casey Jr. Splash and Soak Station.

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Twitter: Whew! It’s a scorcher today. Cool off at the Casey Jr. Splash and Soak Station. #cooloff #disneyside

August 25th

Facebook: Come for a tour of Disney’s Haunted Mansion, home to ghosts, ghouls, and supernatural surprises…if you dare!

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Twitter: Come for a tour of Disney’s Haunted Mansion, home to ghosts, ghouls, and supernatural surprises…if you dare! #hauntedmansion

August 26th

Facebook: This or that: Main Street Electrical Parade or Wishes Nighttime Spectacular?

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Twitter: Main Street Electrical Parade or Wishes Nighttime Spectacular? #thisorthat #parade #fireworks

August 27th

Facebook: Step back in time with Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress. Did you know that it was created by Walt Disney for the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair?

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Twitter: Step back in time with Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress, originally created for the 1964-65 New York World Fair.

August 28th

Facebook: Are you brave enough to blast through outer space with Space Mountain?

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Twitter: Are you brave enough to blast through outer space with Space Mountain? #disney #spacemountain

August 29th

Facebook: Flashback Friday: The Mad Tea Party opened in 1955 as one of the Magic Kingdom’s original attractions.

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Twitter: The Mad Tea Party opened in 1955 as one of the Magic Kingdom’s original attractions. #FlashbackFriday #DisneyHistory

August 30th

Facebook: Bring the whole family on an adventure. You never know who you might run into!

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Twitter: Bring the whole family on an adventure. You never know who you might run into! #disneytour

August 31st

Facebook: Start your Happy Ever After with us. After all, who doesn’t want a fairy tale wedding?

mk 30

Twitter: Start your Happy Ever After with us. After all, who doesn’t want a fairy tale wedding? #disneywedding #happyeverafter


Wow. Now I really want to go to Disney World!

Brand Marketing and IMC: Are You Ready to Stumble?

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As a digital marketing professional, my job requires me to keep up to date on the most popular social media channels. I also have to understand if a channel is relevant to my target audience and if so, how I weave that specific social media platform into the brand’s overall integrated marketing strategy. In this post, I will be showcasing the social media platform StumbleUpon and describing how it could positively affect a brand’s overall marketing communications strategy.

What is StumbleUpon? A Social Media Channel?

Like the name suggests, StumbleUpon is a content discovery tool that delivers content based on your specifications (Fee, 2013). For example, if I created a profile and stated that I was interested in science and nature, StumbleUpon would present a variety of articles and websites to me through the StumbleUpon dashboard that are relevant to my interest. Some social media experts think of StumbleUpon as the “Pandora of Web Content” (Chang, 2011). StumbleUpon can also be thought of as a combination of a search engine, social sharing site, and bookmarking site, all in one!

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The founders of the site created an algorithm that allows relevant content to be “randomly” selected and placed on a user’s StumbleUpon dashboard. After reviewing the graphic above, you will find out that the article selection is not very “random”, but rather consists of an intricate formula that takes into consideration the user’s past interactions with “random” posts (which includes a thumbs up, thumbs down, or share feature), the sites that the user identifies as relevant to them, and the types of individuals that the user has added as a friend on the site (Chang, 2011).

History of StumbleUpon

Created before social media reached the masses, StumbleUpon has had a rough ride since its creation in 2001 (Chang, 2011). For four years, StumbleUpon remained as a social media start-up. In 2005,  a group of investors saw the site’s potential and invested $2.7 million in the company.  In 2007, when social media started becoming mainstreem, eBay purchased StumbleUpon from the original founders for $75 million. Just two years later, the original founders bought back StumbleUpon from eBay for $25 million.

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In 2011, in an attempt to refocus the site on becoming a recommendation engine, StumbleUpon deleted all user-generated content, including HTML blogging, stand-alone posts, and photoblogs (Chang, 2011). Today, StumbleUpon’s user base consists of very diverse demographic groups has an estimated user base of 10 million individuals (Power Marketing, 2014).

StumbleUpon Features, Functionality, Design and Usability

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It is relatively simple to setup a profile and begin “stumbling”. When setting up a free account, you have the option to create a new stand-alone account or to sign-up through Facebook. You are then prompted to select at least five categories that interest you. From there, you are ready to stumble! The site’s integration with Facebook made the set-up process very quick.

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When you start stumbling around on the recommended sites, the only real indication that you are on StumbleUpon is the toolbar that is displayed across the top of the page. The first page that I stumbled upon was a craft page that gave instructions on how to cut glass bottles. The page was relevant to my interests so I selected the thumbs-up icon on the StumbleUpon toolbar. When I am ready to move onto a new site, I click on the “Stumble” button.

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The site also features a news feed on your homepage, where you can find articles related to your interests. You can also view other stumblers’ profiles and see which posts they give a thumbs-up to.

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The site is also very integrated into other social media channels. You have the ability to share any of your stumbles on other social networks. This is important for brands and bloggers alike to consider, as StumbleUpon can become a big traffic driver for your site. Since StumbleUpon became accessible on mobile devices, traffic to the site has increased by 25% (Stelzner, 2013).

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Why Should a Brand Care About StumbleUpon?

SU 7

With StumbleUpon users indexing over 100 million websites, brands need to take advantage of the diverse user audience. Here are the demographics of StumbleUpon’s users:

  • 55% are men
  • 45% are women
  • 5% are between 13 & 17 years old
  • 40% are between 18 & 34 years old
  • 55% are 35 years old and above

Whether your brand is targeting the 35-55 year old electrical engineer or a 21-34 year old woman interested in DIY projects, chances are StumbleUpon can help get your content in front of your audience (Power Marketing, 2014).

To learn about how your brand can benefit from StumbleUpon, watch my prezi



Chang, S. (2011, October 25). History of StumbleUpon: From Startup to Influential Social Media Site [Infographic]. Retrieved July 07, 2014, from Distilled:

Fee, J. (2013, February 27). StumbleUpon: A Beginner’s Guide. Retrieved July 07, 2014, from Mashable:

Power Marketing. (2014, Janruary 07). CONSIDER STUMBLEUPON AS A SOCIAL MEDIA TOOL. Retrieved July 07, 2014, from Power Marketing:

Stelzner, M. (2013, November 22). StumbleUpon Marketing: How to Drive More Traffic to Your Content. Retrieved July 07, 2014, from Social Media Examiner:

Catmoji: A Social Media Network Dedicated to Cat Lovers

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Over the past several years, industry specific networks and niche social media sites have been created in order to connect people who share the same passions and interests. Because the traditional social media sites like Facebook and Twitter often become noisy and overcrowded, industry specific sites allow users to dive into very specific topics without getting bombarded with off-topic posts (Chaney, 2013). For this week’s post, I will be exploring a new social networking site that is created by cat lovers for cat lovers.

“Cat ladies and men of the Internet: You no longer have to spend hours sifting through YouTube, Imgur, Lolcats, or Tumblr for your daily fix of kitty magic. Now, there’s Catmoji, a Pinterest-style social network solely dedicated to cat pictures, videos, and GIFs for the Internet’s, um, purrverts” (Chaey, 2013).

Who knew that there was a social media platform designed specifically for cat lovers? According to Catmoji’s founders, the site is a “catmunity” where users can share and express their love for cats through posts, videos, and photos. So I admit, I am one of these crazy people who spend my free time watching videos of kittens riding a Roomba. Upon discovering this site, I created an account and started exploring.

Cat 2


One thing about niche social media sites that may make target marketing easy for advertisers is the fact that everyone on the site has a common interest. The target audience for Catmoji is not really confined to a specific demographic group; if you love cats, you’re pretty much the in the target audience. Although the site is still in the beginning stages and doesn’t appear to have any advertisers, it would be very enticing for a cat food brand to want to purchase ad space on the site or create a featured post. After all, the majority of users on the site have at least one cat (some have a GOOD bit more then that!). I think this site could be utilized in combination with proximity marketing. Just imagine traveling by a store that sells specialty cat supplies and Catmoji notifies you when you’re in the vicinity. As a cat lover, I would want to go check out the store. If I was sent a coupon, say for 10% off my purchase, I would really be compelled to visit the store.

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The first thing that stood out about Catmoji was the simplicity and usability of the site. After submitting and accepting a request to be added to the site, you are able to create your personal profile, which includes the basic information fields: name, email, username, profile picture, profile description and password. You can then choose your cat avatar and background photo. Similar to Pinterest and Twitter, you are shown several accounts that you can follow (just to get you started). After the basic setup process, you can proceed to view your social feed or create your own posts. In my opinion, the site most closely resembles Pinterest due to the sharing options.  The site’s  timeline feature, however, closely resembles Facebook.

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As far as creating an integrated marketing strategy going forward, Catmoji can spread its arms into other social media sites like YouTube and Instagram in order to drive traffic back to their site. Contests can be created on Instagram and YouTube in order to generate awareness. I think that it would be a good idea to get cat product sponsors for these contests, such as Friskies or Tidy Cats, to not only provide prizes, but to raise awareness for the site.

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Catmoji also incorporates social media sign-in options that allow users to sign-in using their existing Twitter or Facebook account. This is important because it shows that the creators of Catmoji understand that the site is not a replacement for the traditional social media sites, but a supplement. Catmoji is not competing with Facebook and Twitter. People use Catmoji for different reasons then they would other social media channels. In fact, Catmoji has a Facebook page that pushes users to sign-up for a Catmoji account. The marketing team for Catmoji is using it’s resources, which includes mostly traditional social media channels, to promote their site. Because of how passionate the audience is about the topic, I feel that Catmoji will be successful and can stand on its own.  After all, where else can you see all the “crazy cat ladies” all in one place?

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Catmoji. (n.d.). Retrieved July 07, 2014, from

Chaey, C. (2013, Janruary 04). CATMOJI IS A SOCIAL NETWORK FOR THE INTERNET’S MOST CAT-CRAZED. Retrieved July 07, 2014, from Fast Company:

Chaney, P. (2013, December 04). When It Comes to Social Network Marketing, Niche is the New Black. Retrieved July 07, 2014, from ClickZ:


Fortune 500 Brands Make Social Media Count

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Did you know that 77% of Fortune Magazine’s Fortune 500 companies are active on Twitter and 70% of them are active on Facebook (Gesenhues, 2013)? With social media becoming such an integral part of a company’s integrated marketing strategy, it’s hard to find a company that fails to have a social media presence. Most companies are dabbling in social media; who is getting it right and who is missing the mark? This week’s post will serve as my evaluation of the social media strategy for the following Fortune 500 companies: Target, General Electric, and Walgreens.


Target, one of America’s largest discount retailers, is known for staying in the forefront of consumer shopping trends. But does target stay abreast of social media trends and how does their involvement in social media impact their integrated marketing communications strategy? Today, Target is active on the following social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, and Tumbler. With six separate social media channels, it may seem hard to keep up with various editorial calendars. From what I have seen on Target’s channels, however, there appears to be a seamless integration both between the social media channels, and within Target’s overall communications strategy. It is very obvious that the company takes an integrated marketing communications approach.

Target social media

It is also very obvious that all messaging and images come from the same content and design team. Take a look at the following pieces of content that were posted on different social media channels. The same image and tagline was posted onto three of their channels. Approximately 60% of their content is repurposed from channel to channel.  However, because posts are frequently made on each channel (approximately every 2-4 days) the posts don’t become stale and seem repetitive. Unless you’re actually looking for repeated posts (like I have been), it’s hard to find them within in mix.

Target Posts Shark Barbie


Aside from the social media icons on, there really are not any mentions to other social media channels on any particular channel. The vast majority of the posts drive users to product landing pages Because the company is so well-known, I don’t think it’s necessary to drive users back and forth on social media. Also, because some of the content is repeated, what need would Target have to cross promote channels?

I find it interesting that hashtags are not being used regularly on the channels. In the past month, Target’s Twitter page only had two posts that contained hashtags. The hashtags used were not specific to Target, but were cross promoting a product line that was soon coming to the store.

Target Honest Products

I think it is very important to note that even though there are several different social media channels being utilized, the messages are very consistent. The tone, manner, and voice of the posts are also very consistent with the overall Target brand. I would expect to see any of this messaging or graphics in a magazine ad, TV commercial, or banner ad.


walgreens 1

Known as America’s largest drug retail chain, Walgreens was founded in Chicago in 1901. The company’s current advertising campaign is “At the Corner of Happy and Healthy”, which plays on the convenience of having your local Walgreens right around the corner and maintaining personal wellness. On the social media front, Walgreens is active on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Foursquare and Pinterest. Interestingly enough, their website does not depict the Pinterest or Instagram social media icons. The icons are also pretty small and located at the bottom of the homepage. If Walgreens is trying to have a holistic integrated marketing strategy that encompasses all social media outlets, it is very hard to tell. Although their Facebook page seems to play a part in their overall strategy, their Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter accounts seem a little disconnected. The images, graphics, and messages are not consistent among channels.  With Walgreens being such a retail giant, you would think that having an integrated marketing strategy would be important to the company.

Walgreens 2


Each channel varies in time between posts. On Instagram, the last post was made in May in contrast with Twitter and Facebook, where content is posted several times a day (#bewell is used often on Twitter). The majority of links in the posts drive traffic back to Just from looking at one of their channels, you’re unable to see if Walgreens is active in other social outlets; they don’t have any shared links between sites.

One thing that I’ve noticed is that Walgreens appears to be experiencing some rough waters on social media. On the various channels, customers are lashing out against the brand. Walgreens seems to be responding to a majority of the posts, but there is a lot of negativity on their pages. This is definitely not a good sign for the brand’s digital reputation. It doesn’t help the brand that there are a few typos in the posts as well (look at the hashtag).



General Electric

Founded in 1889, General Electric (GE) is an American multinational conglomerate that focuses business on the following segments: Energy, Technology Infrastructure, Capital Finance, and Consumer/Industrial Products. Like Target, this Fortune 500 Company is heavily involved in social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn. In line with their traditional advertising mediums, their social media posts inspire, educate, and entertain. Every GE social media post is very consistent with traditional advertising mediums, whether a TV commercial, subway banner, homepage images, or print advertisement. GE does a fantastic job with integrating social media into their overall marketing communications strategy.

GE 2


The biggest theme associated with GE’s marketing is the use of imagery. These photos help tell the story of the company and generate interest. The images and content are fascinating (not to mention entertaining)! This is consistent on all social media channels. Many of the messages are repeated on the channels. On average, for each channel, posts are created every day (sometimes multiple times a day).

GE 3

Popular hashtags, such as #tbt, are often used by GE on Twitter. One of the features that sets GE apart in social media is an integrated social media feed on their website. Regardless of channel, this feed displays the most recent posts all in one place. This is the first time that I have seen this level of social media integration. This allows users to share any of GE’s social content onto any channel. This is a fantastic idea; I believe that others will soon follow. Whether you are a GE customer or not, you want to follow their social media channels!

GE 4

While Target and GE are doing a great job at implementing an integrated marketing strategy, Walgreens seems to need some help.

Here are some of the biggest points that we can learn from these Fourtune 500 brands:

  • Consistent content is KING
  • Consistent images/graphics are QUEEN
  • Great integrated marketing plans integrate social media into their website as much as possible
  • Share 2-4 times a week for optimum results
  • Be careful to not make spelling errors in your posts

And ALWAYS, have fun and let your brand’s voice and personality shine!


“Open Happiness”: Hi, I’m Whitney

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During this week’s MMC 5600 assignment for the University of Florida’s M.A program, I have been tasked with creating an e-blast to promote myself  as a communications professional. While I have a good bit of experience creating e-blasts, I’ve found it very difficult to create an e-blast that focuses on me. The audience for the e-blast is future potential employers. For the purpose of this e-blast, I have chosen Coca-Cola as a future potential employer. Here we go. Let me know what you think. If I was your potential employee and you saw this e-blast, would you call me in for an interview?

“Open Happiness”: Whitney Amerson, Digital & Social Media Marketer and Communications Professional

coke bottles wedding

If you’re reading this, hopefully you are looking for a  fun, caring, dedicated individual to fulfill a digital marketing or communications role at Coca-Cola. I have been a fan of the Coca Cola brand since I was a child. In fact, one of my fondest childhood memories is going on class field trips to the World of Coke in Atlanta, GA. When in college at Georgia State, I volunteered at the Georgia Aquarium and had the opportunity to visit the new World of Coke once it was completed. I was in awe of the brand just as I was when I was a child. Since high school, I have dreamed about being a part of the Coca Cola marketing communications team. I want to be part of a company that really makes a difference in people’s lives and has created a brand that people believe in.  I know I can make a difference if chosen to become  part of the Coca Cola team.

“Around the Corner from Everywhere”

I grew up in a small, Georgia town (Villa Rica) that was also the birthplace of Coca Cola legend, Asa Griggs Candler. After high school, I attended and graduated from Georgia State University. Upon graduation, I became Digital Marketing Coordinator for another Georgia-based giant, Southwire Company. Concentrating on social media strategy, content strategy, and reputation management, I was part of a  team that received several industry marketing awards, including best overall integrated marketing campaign. Below, you will find a picture of Southwire’s marketing team on the Coca-Cola chairs at an Atlanta Braves game.

Coke Marketing Team

“You Can’t Beat the Feeling”

Both in my personal life and professional career, I continuously strive to set new goals that encourage me to push harder and reach higher then I previously could. For example, I am currently working on completing a Master’s Degree in Mass Communications (with an emphasis in social media) from the University of Florida. I always strive to be ahead of the game, as this program is the first of its kind in the country.

“Life Tastes Good”

Painting, scrapbooking, pottery, gardening. I love to be creative and find new ways overcome challenges. Whether a mug handle just won’t stay on the mug in the kiln or a crazy insect infestation is occurring in my garden, I’ll find a way to solve the problem, though most times, not in any conventional way. I love solving problems and overcoming challenges. Social media is constantly evolving, which requires creative solutions and problem solving techniques. This is perhaps why I am so passionate about social media and communications.

To learn more about my passions and hobbies, click here.

“Make It Real”

As a digital native, I am very passionate about my work. I love the opportunity that social media gives marketers and communications professional; we are able to have direct, one on one relationships with consumers and more thoroughly integrate our brand into their everyday life.  I want the brand that I represent to be so ingrained in consumers’ minds that they would never consider switching over to a competitor’s product. Coca-Cola has this effect on me. If a restaurant doesn’t sell coke, I’ll have a water.

“Sign of Good Taste”

As a way to market myself, I have created The Social Potter. As a marketing communications professional, my job is very similar to a potter. Often time, you start with a lump of clay. This lump of clay can be anything from issues dealing with reaching your target market, to the need to create a social media promotion to increase brand awareness and user engagement. It’s my job as a potter to use my skills and resources to transform that lump of clay into a beautiful piece of art.

“Open Happiness”

As you can see, I am a hardworking and creative team player who is passionate about working with one of the most powerful brands in the world, Coca-Cola. I look forward to getting to know you as well and further discussing how I can be an asset to your Marketing Communications team.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me.



Corporate DIY Blogs: A Dissection of Home Depot, Lowes, and True Value

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Blogs have become an integral part of marketing. Can you name an advertising giant that doesn’t have some form of a blog? If you can, let me know! In this week’s post, I will be dissecting three blogs that interest me: The Apron (Home Depot), Creative Ideas (Lowes), and True Value Projects (True Value). Although these blogs share a relatively similar target audience, they each have specific components that make them interesting and different from their competitors.

Home Depot Blog, The Apron

The first blog that I chose to look at is The Apron by Home Depot. The Apron is a professional blog, maintained by Home Depot’s marketing team. The purpose of the blog is to inspire their DIY customer base to create projects, all with materials that are available at Home Depot. While many of these blog posts discuss creating projects around the home with new materials, some of them talk about reusing material, such as old skate boards or an old wheel barrel, to create new one of a kind decorative pieces for your backyard. Although I wouldn’t really consider myself a prime example of a person that Home Depot is trying to target, this blog inspires me to get in touch with my creative side.

Home Depot Blog, The Apron

One thing that is unique about The Apron in the hardware/DIY market is the large variety of project types that you find on the blog. One week you can read about making a leather tag for a bag and the next week, you could be learning how to build a fire pit out of old skateboards.  Because the store has such a large variety of products, it makes sense for them to reflect a large variety of projects on their blog. Although the Home Depot has social media accounts that drive a lot of traffic to their blog, they do a poor job of advertising their social media pages on their blog. The social media icons that they have are very small and are seemingly lost at the bottom of the page. This is not only a wasted opportunity to drive social media engagement, but makes it more difficult for their audience to share these posts, which in turn makes the blog less successful. Even though advertisers are not directly on the site, the blog posts feature specific products that are “needed” in order to complete the project. Perhaps these specific name brand products are being sponsored by the brand. It was also very difficult to find The Apron from the Home Depot webpage.

Lowes Creative Ideas Blog

Similar to The Apron, Lowes Creative Ideas blog is filled with DIY project information. This blog is also a professional blog, but due to the lack of dates on the posts, it is very hard to tell how frequently that last post occurred. The purpose of the blog is to inspire their audience to redecorate, redesign their yards, and improve their homes. One thing that differs on this blog from others in the DIY/hardware category is the amount of “soft” materials discussed on the blog. Soft materials are the more decorative items, such as bedspread, curtains, and lamps. Lowes carries more of this type of product in their stores and has a larger focus on interior design than most other DIY/hardware retailers. This is reflected on their blog. Lowes also does a good job at including DIY videos on their blog. This is another aspect that sets the Lowes blog apart from their competitors.

Lowes Blog

One major thing that I feel is missing from the Lowes blog is a corporate voice. There is very little personality to the posts in relation to their posts on social media. The human element seems to be missing. The social sharing buttons are also small and at the bottom of the page. The posts do, however, include the options to either Pin it on Pinterest or Like it on Facebook. I feel like more attention should be given to the social media elements in the pages. The site layout is not very “creative”. If the blog is called Creative Ideas and looks very plain, consumers may have a harder time feeling inspired. I know I wasn’t feeling like I wanted to go to Lowes and buy the materials to complete one of their DIY projects. Even though advertisers were not mentioned on the pages, in every post the item number of the materials used was given. Similar to Home Depot, the main traffic drivers to the Lowes blog was also through social media, specifically Pinterest and Facebook.

True Value Blog

The third blog that I looked at in the DIY/hardware industry is True Value’s Project blog. Like the other two blogs that I’ve discussed in the industry, True Value’s blog is also a professional blog managed by their corporate marketing team. The thing that really sets the True Value blog apart from their competitor’s’ blogs is the visual nature of the blog. On the homepage, there is a large building with different areas being pointed out. When you click on the paintbrush, for example, you are redirected to a Father’s Day painting coaster project. With today being Father’s Day, I love how relevant this blog is to its audience. The layout of the blog is very easy to maneuver through and the social media icons are displayed much larger than on the competitor’s blogs. Social share buttons, including Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, are also present on each blog post.

True Value Image House

True Value’s customers are typically more DIY focused than hardware focused. This is shown on their blog as the majority of their projects are DIY friendly. There are also not any advertisers present on the blog. There are not any featured products in the posts (like as seen on Home Depot’s blog) and product ordering numbers (like on Lowes blog) are also absent. In my opinion, True Value is doing an excellent job on educating their customers without the “buy this product” feature of the other two blogs. True Value also incorporates a strong SEO program into their blog. The blog  shows up as #2 on Google when you search “hardware store blog”, although I didn’t see any evidence of PPC campaigns.  Home Depot and Lowes don’t even show up on the first page. The only suggestion that I would make for the True Value blog is to increase their use of social media to continue to propel their content.

After dissecting the three blogs, I’m sure that you can tell which one, in my opinion, is the most effective at reaching out to customers (True Value!). I would love to see the actual analytics behind each blog and determine the types of posts that are really hitting home with their customers. Because these three blogs were very similar, small variations such as True Value’s idea house and Home Depot’s innovative up-cycling projects really made these blog stand out.